Saturday, July 24, 2010

untitled rothkite

I think this is done...? Though I'm still not sure about the clouds, and I think I went overboard with the textures. I dunno.


  1. Awesome! This is really sweet. I love the textures and the color palette you used. My only suggestion would be to add a little more contrast to the trex to help pop him from the background a bit more. Still, it's really great :)

  2. I really love the colors. I also like how happy he looks xD

    I am tellin ya, you have to model this, it would be so amazing.

    and I like the clouds

  3. Yeah I agree, you should fix the trex's color to keep him from blending into the background, but I love this :D it really works better flipped this way too.

  4. W-Why is everything you do so whimsical and awesome? D: I really like the style, reminds me of the old fairy tale illustrations.
